Black Chardonnay Release at Chateau MerrillAnne

Chateau Merrillanne 16234 Marquis Rd, Orange, VA

Please join us on Saturday, March 15th as we release one of our most anticipated wine releases ever, our black chardonnay, the 2024 Schrödinger's Cat!  We will be offering free samples of this newest release all day, the folks at Whitley & Co. BBQ will be here with absolutely incredible food to purchase and Stephan […]

Colonial Tavern Dinner at Chateau MerrillAnne

Chateau Merrillanne 16234 Marquis Rd, Orange, VA

Please join us Friday, March 21st at 7PM as we step back in time for our second "Colonial Tavern Dinner" at Chateau MerrillAnne. Paying tribute to a tavern dining experience in Colonial Williamsburg you can expect the ambiance of candlelight, a delicious dinner inspired by 18th-century tavern recipes, and the sounds of tavern music. Chef […]